Bio-Zyme effectively and economically reduces phosphorus, nitrogen & muck in lakes
Bio-Zyme effectively and economically reduces phosphorus, nitrogen & muck in lakes
Bio-Zyme products are a safe, non-toxic live bacteria that augments the natural bacteria already found in the lake.
Due to factors such as the rapid rise in population and increased agricultural water run off the bacteria naturally found in lakes cannot keep up with the increased nutrient loads. Resulting in in an increase of organic sediment or muck, loss of water clarity, and reduction in aquatic life in the lake.
The unique formulation of the Bio-Zyme products optimizes the production of useful enzymes. Enzymes are non-living biological molecules produced by the bacteria that help breakdown organic waste into a form more easily consumed by the bacteria. The enzymes act as a catalyst that assists in the conversion of the organic matter, to a food source. Bio-Zyme augments the existing bacteria that are already existing in the lake.
A. Bio-Zyme usually takes 1-3 months before noticeable improvement. The removal of nutrients and the reduction of organic material by microorganisms is slow but steady.
The Bio-Zyme System can effectively be scaled from a small pond to the largest lake. The Bio-Zyme System used in a storm water area treatment area (STA) reduces the need for costly dredging of muck keeping the STA on-line thus saving money..
Many prominent Lake Management companies with hundreds of years of combined experience in the industry have or are using Bio-Zyme. The products are currently applied in over 20,000 waterbodies, public and private in many different states.
Bio-Zyme can be applied in multiple ways:
1. With EcoSocks: EcoSocks are bio-degradable water soluble socks that
are filled with the Bio-Zyme product which are applied into the water
body. The EcoSock is good for lakes and ponds.
2. Lake Managers apply Bio-Zyme from spray skiffs. Mixing the Bio-
Zyme bulk powder and Nitrifier into a spray tank then applying the
mixture around the perimeter of the lake or waterway.
3. The Bio-Generator System, is the most economical and efficient way
to treat larger lakes. Bio-Generators can be scaled to any size water
4. The Bio-Generator can also be used to incubate the Bio-Zyme on site.
This allows the applicator to harvest the incubated product for use in
multiple lakes on the same property
The Bio-Generator is a Bio-Zyme incubation station. It consists of a large tank with vigorous aeration creating optimum conditions for the added bacteria to flourish. The bacteria in the tank are exponentially multiplying. The timer signals a pump to release the augmented bacteria product into the water body at precise intervals, The Bio-Generator system is the most efficient and cost effective method to manage excess nutrients, reduce muck on the bottom, and improve quality of the water .
Bio-Zyme is not compatible with the use of copper algaecides. Copper based products will destroy the naturally occurring micro-organisms in the lake bed along with any applied Bio-Zyme..
Bio-Zyme products contain completely safe, non-toxic, freeze dried spores of multiple strains of bacteria. All the bacterial strains are classified by American Type Culture Collection as Biosafety Level 1; meaning that they are not pathogenic. This allows them to safely treat water in lakes, ponds, and wastewater treatment plants.
Bio-Zyme treated water is safe for irrigation on turf and plants. The Bio-Zyme program is ongoing in many golf course irrigation lakes in Florida.
Bio-Zyme applications will not harm fish or waterfowl. With the improved water quality we have witnessed increased fish production. The Bio-Zyme program will improve water color, clarity and enhance microbial activity in the waterbody. There are no restrictions on fishing, irrigation, or swimming.
There are no water use restrictions for fishing, irrigation, or swimming in waters treated with Bio-Zyme.
TRM Biologics, Inc. is the company behind the Bio-Zyme System. TRM is comprised of experienced Lake Managers who have worked on the project since 2002. The current formulations and methods have been in use since 2006.
TRM Biologics is your partner in keeping water clean and healthy. The Bio-Zyme Program was developed by professional lake managers who have over 150 years in experience in solving lake problems. The experts at TRM Biologics will help you design a program, to benefit your waterway. The Bio-Zyme Program will slow or stop the eutrophication of your lakes.
Phosphorus and nitrogen are incorporated into the food chain. Bio-Zyme amp flies the existing bacteria at the bottom of the food chain. As the number of bacteria increases the protozoa population increase and more phosphorus and nitrogen are taken up as passed on up food chain to fish and other small animals. Within a short time, the nutrients levels drop and the lake comes back into balance.
Bio-Zyme is an essential part of solving the clean water problem by:
1. It reduces the excess nutrients of phosphorus and nitrogen in lakes
and STAs.
2. It effectivity reduces bottom muck and floating tussocks.
3. It is cost effective by reducing the need to dredge an STA or lake
saving money.
“In Pt St Lucie we actually incubate it (Bio-Zyme) and load it in a truck and go anywhere in the city of PT St Lucie. We got several ponds that we use it in with the incubator. You can basically load it in any type of tank and distribute it anywhere. I didn’t realize the cost effectiveness of it and I didn’t realize how fast it worked as it did I think every water body needs to have Bio-Zyme.” Linda DeFee, Regional Manager Aquatic Vegetation Control, Inc.
Bio-Zyme was developed by TRM Biologics, a company established by professional lake managers and scientists with over 100 years of combined experience in clean water issues. We have experience partnering with companies in the private sector and with government agencies in helping them implement and maintain bacterial augmentation Bio-Zyme systems to clean water of excessive nutrients, make STAs more efficient and at the same time save budget dollars.
Contact us and we can work together to insure clean water now and for future.
TRM Biologics makers of Bio-Zyme
EMAIL: TRM BIOLOGICS PO Box 291522 Port Orange, FL, 32129 PHONE: 386-767-4928
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